Specialisation Post-Graduate Diploma in Trends Management and Communication (TMC)*

Certificate Diploma in Trends Management and Communication has an innovative character in the area of ​​Trends Studies.

Along with the methodology of Coolhunting, it promotes a new vision about the consumer(s) and their behavior patterns within certain cultural contexts, with a view to develop better innovation strategies in various fields and with a plural set of applications.

In today’s world driven by consumption and the rapid change of ideas and interests, it is important to understand how trends in the social environment arise and their impact on the economy. Trends Studies go beyond the normal forum of marketing, communication, culture, market and consumer studies, fashion, sociology, and economics. Indeed, they are the transdisciplinary culmination of all these areas with a focus on understanding the nature of the wills, desires, and behavioral patterns of individuals and social groups. In this program we will study trends in a broad spectrum perspective, with an innovative character worldwide, focusing on various products and areas such as design, advertising, tourism, clothing and image, cinema, music, sports and television, among other everyday economic and political patterns.


The purpose of this course is to provide participants with the tools they need to identify a trend, understand their birth and prescribers, agents, life cycle, stage and audience(s), and how to communicate and interpret, applying results to the design of projects and solutions. This, in parallel with the promotion of analytical skills and the development of applied innovation projects, strategies and pieces of communication, and in articulation with the clues provided by the study of trends. Another objective is to use the various insights provided by the Humanities, Social Sciences and Design and apply them in practice in the design of business, social or cultural projects.

The course aims to build a bridge between the strong theoretical framework that the Schools of Arts and Humanities provide and the applied project framework that our partner school offers. In this sense, this training receives students from the most different areas with various interests and ideas on the paths they ambition to follow, developing projects in one of the branches of Trends Studies. As such, this Certificate Diploma guarantees a constant follow-up and tutorial approach to each student.

Curriculum / Study Plan

General Curriculum:

1st Semester (February to July)  // Research and Analysis in Trends Studies // 

2nd Semester (September to January) // Applied Research and Project in Trends // 

The curriculum was designed to allow the development of critical and analytical skills and, as well as project and professional practice. The curricular units are divided into seminars, creative laboratories, workshops and business simulations. .

1 Academic Year (2 Semesters)

  • Trends and Cultural Management
  • Research and Professional Practices Lab of Trends, Communication and Branding
  • Methods for Trends Analysis and Coolhunting
  • Trends and Business Project


Professional Orientation

Coolhunting and Trendwatching are considered two of the areas and skills of the future! This course prepares Chief Culture Officers (CCO) capable of articulating activities with departments of communication, marketing, design, innovation and strategy. In this sense, the main general skills to be acquired are:

  • Creation of strategies and narratives of brand communication;
  • Observation and structured analysis of real and virtual manifestations of daily life;
  • Observation and analysis of patterns of behavior and mindsets;
  • Ability to generate strategic insights and incremental and disruptive innovation;
  • Advanced cultural analysis;
  • Advanced understanding of sociology of consumption and / or sociology of fashion;
  • Conceptualization, development and communication of innovative ideas;
  • Leadership of multidisciplinary teams;
  • Creation of solid concepts resistant to change.

These skills allow the development of various professional activities:

– Department of Communication / Marketing / Strategy / Innovation;

– CCO- Chief Culture Officer; – Trends Marketeer and Coolhunter Professional;

– Trends Analyst and Cultural Manager;

– Manager of Innovation and Forecaster in Consumer Behavior, or in Fashion.

This course aims to develop technical, scientific and professional skills in the fields of Trends Study, Coolhunting, Communication and Project Management. The objective is to allow students to apply these skills in the future in their area of ​​election and, mainly, to associate these new skills with the basic profile that each candidate brings, or to new profiles that they wish to develop. The combination of this knowledge and skills generates Chief Culture Officers capable of: identifying and monitoring complex trends; understanding current convergences and cleavages to create forms of communication based on interactivity and narrative; applying trends in brand building, determining whether they are resistant to future; develop multi-sector projects based on Trends Studies; understand emerging social, cultural and consumer patterns; apply Coolhunting methodology and trend analysis, identifying business opportunities; to observe possible evolutions in concepts and patterns of social behaviour and consumption.

This course is an opportunity for all those with a degree in Social Sciences, Business Sciences, Humanities, Arts and Design, or even others. The course is very oriented to the practical application of concepts and to the current problematisation of cultural and consumption reality, with a focus on forms of communication.


The Certificate Diploma in Trends Management and Communication promotes opportunities for students to develop practical projects for the application of Humanities, Social Sciences and Design and are encouraged to work in teams to create innovative ideas, simulate an entrepreneurial work environment, and develop market-oriented projects.

In recent years, these programs have developed the mobility of professors and the development of international weeks with partners, where knowledge, methodologies and results cross. Students, upon entering the course, are put in contact with a working group and an international platform, contacting other colleagues, teachers and specialists and developing professional skills associated with the management and communication of trends networks, along with demanding and serious Coolhunting techniques.

Directors and Contacts
Profs. Doutores: