• Business Mindsets Seminar

La Innovation Kitchen (LIK) is an experiential learning space where anyone can develop their innovation power and change-making skills through project-based learning and Learning-by-Doing Methods. LIK helps grow both technical and soft skills that support the formation of a critical, creative, and proactive mindset oriented to complex problem-solving.

LIK’s programs and activities involve real-life challenges that motivate participants and challenge sponsors to find practical solutions. We also provide a set of resources and mentors, that guide and support participants to develop unique solutions.

LIK has a deeply humanistic approach and a social, entrepreneurial, and professional concern for the future, in order to find new and better ways to participate in society, do business, create and run organizations and impact the natural and economic environment that surrounds us.

Explore extended learning experiences and activities and online/offline events at LIK
